All of them that have their birth date between September 24 and October 23 are said to have a balanced life like the one on the picture; that displays the balance in the scales. These people are very diplomatic, easygoing, romantic, and idealistic. Libras always do have a sense of justice and right. On the other hand, they can be gullible or flirtatious, self-indulgent and sex indecisive. This tattoo is respected by all astrologers, since during this period you reap the harvest of your good work.
Scorpio Tattoos:
This sign is the most powerful of all. It is very intense and profound. It includes the people born between October 24 and November 22. There strong points are power, determination, magnetism and strong emotions. There weak points include resentfulness, obsessive and secretive nature. This zodiac sign is ruled by Pluto. The important point, you got to have in mind is; they are venomous by birth.

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