Star tattoos are the most special and popular designs because of their flexibility in design and interpretation. A perfect form of self expression, star tattoo is often associated with dreams, hope, purpose and determination. Tattooing is a versatile pattern with a variety of styles and attractive, shapes, sizes and colors. Individuals can make choices based on their preferences.

There is a star tattoo is different and each is associated with a different symbol. Here are some of the most popular star tattoo. Falling star: It is a beautiful tattoo designs that are often associated with some special or memorable moments of life. Nautical star: star tattoo is regarded as a symbol of guidance, protection and safety. This means has been derived from the old superstition that travelers starfish guided to their destination.

Hexagram or Star of David: The six stars represent star tattoo or Shield of David and connect with Judaism. The six points represent the stability and beauty.
There are other star tattoos are classified based on their total points. There are star tattoos pentagram, hexagram star tattoo, star tattoo septagram, octogram and nonogram star tattoo.
Star tattoos semi-abstract patterns that can be tailored to meet each individual tattoo concepts and preferences. Tattoo enthusiasts can choose a small star tattoo or greater of their choice. While the patterns of the smaller not so clear in detail, the larger the star tattoo is more emphasized and detailed.
The colors and the colors used for star tattoos really enhance the whole appearance of design. Different colors can be experimented with. But often the color chosen depends on the person's skin color. Black is one common color used for a star tattoo because it is a bold statement. However, one can choose a more colorful patterns.
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